Tuesday, May 31, 2011

simple joys

This is one of my favorite things in the world:

You're stopped at a red light, and your windows are down. There's a car near you blasting wannabe country, or another disgusting genre. What do you do? You respond to their country music or Jesus music by blasting something like Hollywood Undead, and watch the frustrated looks on their faces, until the point that they roll their own windows up.

One of my favorite things. ^_^

Monday, May 30, 2011

happy trevor's birthday

Written 5/29/2o11

Evening, guys. I might not actually be posting this in the evening, but I’m writing it in the evening. The thing is... I don’t have Internet access where I am at the moment. I do have my laptop, however. I’m on Microsoft Word. I’m sitting on a bed, in a motor home, and I can hear the drunken banter of adults outside the window. I’m in a little place called Mesick, Michigan. To be totally honest with you I have no idea where the hell I am on the map. I asked this guy to show me on his hand where we are, like the mitten, and he ended up pointing to three different spots. He was intoxicated, though, so I guess he wasn’t the best choice of who to ask. Anyways, just google where Mesick is located. It’ll help you better with your mind image of my tale and whatnot.


Good. Now that you have an adequate picture in your head of my surroundings, I’ll tell you about my day. Spontaneously, at 7 in the morning, my dad’s like, let’s go to my cousin’s up north! I’m like, no, let me stay home, I’m a big girl… but my dad feared I’d throw a kegger, aaaannnnddd I was basically dragged along on this voyage. So we left at noon, and got here at 3:30. My cousin, who’s my age, of course isn’t here. Therefore I’m the only kid in the area. Hell, I’m the only one under forty in the area. It’s 11:08 p.m now. For the past so many hours I have:

*Sat around a bonfire.

*Sat around a bonfire.

*Goddamn GPS took us into a private hunting preserve and we got lost.

*Sat around a bonfire.

*Pet at least three Pomeranians.

*More bonfire.

*Been the only sober one here.

*Climbed six flights of stairs

*Fell down half a flight of stairs

The thing is, I don’t drink. Also, I’m not a smoker, and every person here is. I also don’t indulge in marijuana... and, well, I think you get the point. This place… is so in the middle of nowhere. They don't even have a McDonalds to my knowledge…

Oh, and wtf is a bombfire? Even Microsoft says it’s misspelled. People say bombfire, and I’m like, did you just say bombfire? It’s bonfire, bro. People, I swear.

Btw, my lack of posting is due to the fact that I was grounded until Friday the 27th. That meant no car, no computer, no phone, no going anywhere. I spent a lot of time cleaning. I had tons of ideas of things to post about too. I’d be like, “Oh, that’s a great idea! I’m gonna go post about – oh, wait, nevermind.”

I GUESS I'll let you go and read another, less interesting blog.

It wouldn't be the most intelligent option, though.

I’m going to play Mahjong.

Thursday, May 19, 2011

Oh snap

So many things going on at once! Yikes.
Apparently Saturday is supposed to be Judgment Day.
As I'm not terribly religious, I had to google this.
This is what I found.

"The End off the World prediction for May 21st is spreading all over the internet, but it is not what you think it is. The May 21st End of the World prediction only applies to those who will be saved on Judgment Day 2011 in the Rapture. Those who aren’t saved in the May 21 Rapture will suffer a different fate, and an End of the World date 5 months after May 21st.
May 21st Judgement Day is going to be the decisive day when Jesus returns for the Rapture. True believers will be brought to Heaven, and that will be the End of The World for the approximately 3,000,000 people will be saved, according to Harold Camping.
The remaining people on earth that are not saved by Jesus in the May 21 Rapture will be sentenced to 5 months of torment under the rule of Jesus during the End of Days. The End Times will cause anarchy, chaos, disasters, and the end of civilization as we know it. Everyone left on earth will be well aware that Jesus is Lord, but savior will not be an option after May 21 Doomsday.
Harold Camping helps us determine that October 21, 2011 will be the actual date of the End of the World. The End Times will be very trying for the lost souls, as the End of The World approaches.
How will you be looked at on Judgement Day 2011? Will you be saved by Jesus in the Rapture, or left behind to experience the End Times after Doomsday. When will the End of the World be for you? May 21st, or October 21st, 2011?"

We'll see what happens.

I don't really have time to ramble about much else, or much else to ramble about.

Also.. I wanted to make a point to Tanner Simmons, that everyone was so sad today in Drama because you weren't there to do the assignment we just got. We had to make up a song that goes along with a movie, what it would be like if that film was a musical, and we had to present it. Everyone was saying how great you'd do with it. That class seems too empty with the seniors gone.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Never Say Never,(:... Yeah, right.

Forget the last post,
it was a waste of time,
just like the person who caused it.

Gosh even that sounds harsh! :P

I'm a lot more cheerful now,

do you know those moods where you see something that hurts,
and you think to yourself,
"Oh my gosh. Effin' A. I'm so pissed. Gfghjhf. Garglsfbfublaf."
Or something similar ^^?

That's what I saw.
I got very upset.
Then I pieced the pieces together.
& When the equation involves a skank, a freshman, and dancing,
it all makes sense.
Anything that involves the word 'equation' isn't worth my tears.

Oh, and I also feel I should say thank you to my awesome friend Tim,
because he just has that way of making anyone smile.
He's a good guy, ^_^

So many smiles.

:) (: [: :] :D =D

Happy May Sixteenth, everyone.
Never go to bed angry.

& You say she can't act.

But, I'm the guy walking away down the railroad tracks.
Why do people rip hearts out for fun?

Friday, May 13, 2011

Now it's back!

What the heck!!!!

this can't be right

Why did it delete my post about Larissa?

I wanted to show my friend Shayne my blog, but...
that post isn't there?
It's not even in my drafts?

...Have I been hacked?

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Adventures With Larissa Kelsey

She's great, right? Errabody enjoys her company. She's so sweet, she even gave me a ride home today... but what's that? Your car won't start? Okay, no big deal, we have cables. Let's find someone to jump it. It wouldn't work with Alicia's car. It wouldn't work with Rhiannon's car. Okay, it's 3:01 now, we had to get her DAD to come jump her car for us. Everything worked out, but the thing is...

I'm cursed.


My tarot card reading today at our schools first annual Renaissance festival said my present had bad luck...

Speaking of the R*Festivities, it was kind of lame. :(
Eight bucks to walk around for four hours, and get sunburned.
I did get a henna tattoo, and face painting though. It's adorable but I can't get a good picture with my webcam. I might post some pictures if my whorette Maddi puts the ones she took on Facebook. Oh, my henna tattoo says inspire. It looks like it says imspin. I also have a little ribbon. ^_^

Furthermore in the life and times of Ashley Eve, it's yearbook time at Yale High School. I'm already bored with it's contents... and I'm practically out of space to sign. I hate what most people write, "Good times." or "Have a great summer." I mean, write some memories if we have them. I try my best to write heart-warming and memorable words, but I either don't have the space or the time. I apologize a lot in yearbooks. For example, I wrote this in my friend Ash's yearbook:

"Ashley Rose,
Hey girly. I apologize for cramming you in your locker, and for giving you half a pack of gum my friend Kyle sat on for an hour." Etc, etc.

I don't want them going off to Summer angry at me. There's SO much I'd like to write in every body's yearbooks... but like I said, no time, or no space. I like to say exactly what I'm thinking about when my friend passes me their yearbook and a sharpie.

That's another thing I'm doing these days. I'm being very straightforward. I'm not keeping many secrets, or wasting time thinking about stuff instead of doing those things. Wow that sounded dirty. Hmm. Anyways I feel like I'm wasting my life, and I am trying to prevent that.

Heelll it's boring here. All alone, no where to go, and a whimpering dog sitting on the treadmill.


Tuesday, May 10, 2011

walking on eggshells

Did you know, that if you think good things are going to happen, and you expect them, they actually do? Not all the time, but things definitely seem brighter.

I had an amazing day today.

I didn't argue with anyone at school, I laughed a lot, and I talked to quite a few people I don't normally talk to. Nothing even really annoyed me until it took a hell of a lot longer than usual to get out of the school parking lot. Why are you flipping me off? You're the one who almost hit me with your big bad wannabe truck.

Oh, bitches.

Came home, went back up to my middle-of-nowhere town. Got my prescription. Got in my first argument of the day! With my momma. I don't really mean to... but, I don't know how to phrase it not to make me sound like a brat.

Moving on now. Literally. I don't know how being a Junior next year is going to be,
  • My best friend is moving
  • My other best friend is moving
  • A third best friend is either moving or getting put into the alternative school, or both
  • A lot of friends are going to TEC, the school that teaches people trade-like things.
  • Or some of my friends are going to Blue Water Middle College, this mixture of high school and community college
  • And people are graduating, and I'm gonna miss a lot of them like hell.
Yikes. Everyone's scattering. It's how it goes, I guess.

I didn't really get to know a whole lot of seniors this year. I wish I would have gotten the chance to know a few of them better. I'm still going to miss 97% of them all the same. There's still that 3 percent I won't be sad to see go. :P I'm going to go eat a delicious hamburger I made all by myself. Muchh love.

Wednesday, May 4, 2011

mister gyllenhaal

no time to post.
just got in for the first time since 6:30 a.m.
was with someone in the ER for awhile.

here's a picture of a favorite actor of mine.


Monday, May 2, 2011

Do you remember when, we used to sing?

Hey look, a third follower.
I'll get to following your blog in a bit bro. Anyways.

It seems like I can't be around my parents these days without getting in arguments with them. I say one thing, which I intend as casual conversation, and suddenly I said it just to piss them off. Did I? I hadn't meant to. Oh, I stress you out on purpose? That's no fun. You don't appreciate my sarcasm? I'm sixteen, that was me showing genuine concern. Okay, now you're taking my phone, laptop, and iPod away. All I said was, "do you have my keys?" Oh, now I understand, it was my tone. I had a tone?


I think Rebecca Black should make a song about EVERY day of the week. Doesn't that sound fun? You could put them on your cell phone and have a different one be your alarm every morning. Hey, at least you would know when everyone was looking forward to the weekend.. & If you're like her, and you can't decide what seat to sit in, just sit in the front.. it's your best bet. If the front is full, sit in the middle, next being the back depending on your mode of transportation. Hell, you could just be driving. It'd take the guess work out of things.

Would you drink it? I probably would. Well I guess it depends on the circumstances too... Of course, if I'm animated I might just be a bit more mischievous than usual. Plus, I've never seen anyone get date raped in a Disney classic.

I'm refraining from ranting about youknowwho pakistanian.

It makes me nervous.

I'll let you go now, I have to casually glance at my French Euro notes and call it studying. Might even sneak a bowl er fruit loops in there.

Sunday, May 1, 2011


it's Sunday morning.
there's no more smiles.
only frowns.
