I miss my friends.
I made new friends.
I'm up until 4:30 every night.
I fell in love...
I love summer.

Written 5/29/2o11
Evening, guys. I might not actually be posting this in the evening, but I’m writing it in the evening. The thing is... I don’t have Internet access where I am at the moment. I do have my laptop, however. I’m on Microsoft Word. I’m sitting on a bed, in a motor home, and I can hear the drunken banter of adults outside the window. I’m in a little place called Mesick, Michigan. To be totally honest with you I have no idea where the hell I am on the map. I asked this guy to show me on his hand where we are, like the mitten, and he ended up pointing to three different spots. He was intoxicated, though, so I guess he wasn’t the best choice of who to ask. Anyways, just google where Mesick is located. It’ll help you better with your mind image of my tale and whatnot.
Good. Now that you have an adequate picture in your head of my surroundings, I’ll tell you about my day. Spontaneously, at 7 in the morning, my dad’s like, let’s go to my cousin’s up north! I’m like, no, let me stay home, I’m a big girl… but my dad feared I’d throw a kegger, aaaannnnddd I was basically dragged along on this voyage. So we left at noon, and got here at 3:30. My cousin, who’s my age, of course isn’t here. Therefore I’m the only kid in the area. Hell, I’m the only one under forty in the area. It’s 11:08 p.m now. For the past so many hours I have:
*Sat around a bonfire.
*Sat around a bonfire.
*Goddamn GPS took us into a private hunting preserve and we got lost.
*Sat around a bonfire.
*Pet at least three Pomeranians.
*More bonfire.
*Been the only sober one here.
*Climbed six flights of stairs
*Fell down half a flight of stairs
The thing is, I don’t drink. Also, I’m not a smoker, and every person here is. I also don’t indulge in marijuana... and, well, I think you get the point. This place… is so in the middle of nowhere. They don't even have a McDonalds to my knowledge…
Oh, and wtf is a bombfire? Even Microsoft says it’s misspelled. People say bombfire, and I’m like, did you just say bombfire? It’s bonfire, bro. People, I swear.
Btw, my lack of posting is due to the fact that I was grounded until Friday the 27th. That meant no car, no computer, no phone, no going anywhere. I spent a lot of time cleaning. I had tons of ideas of things to post about too. I’d be like, “Oh, that’s a great idea! I’m gonna go post about – oh, wait, nevermind.”
I GUESS I'll let you go and read another, less interesting blog.
It wouldn't be the most intelligent option, though.
I’m going to play Mahjong.