So. Technically, I would say it's the first day of Summer Vacation.
What a better way to celebrate the closing of sophomore year, than to burn all of the papers and notebooks from the year?

Pictured above is Emily and Trevor. He's a pyromaniac. :)
Bonfire's are my favorite. A great way to spend time with people, and, well, there's so much more to the story I want to explain but.. I just can't.
I don't have pictures of everyone, but my friends included the greatest: Timothy, William (E, not P, for those who know them.) Emily Rose, Laureeciah, & Alicia. Oh, and Shayne. I feel bad because I keep forgetting he was here.
Others were supposed to come.. but ya know, they bailed.
Nick and Kyle
I don't really mind though, to be totally honest, because tonight was perfect.
Bonfire. Friends. Lightning bugs. A trip to the cemetery. A trip out back. Purple hairspray. Homosexual Jews.
You have no idea.

Have you ever met someones mom, who was so open, that they talked about anything?
That's my mom. She was discussing this girl's vaginal reconstruction with a girl she was meeting for the first time. Everyone loves her. Unless they're afraid of people. Then you won't like her, because she's as real as it gets.
It's one of my favorite things in the world to go to bed happy.
I know tomorrow night will probably be rough, and I'll probably not be happy anymore...
..but I think I'm gonna enjoy this feeling for now.
I THINK there might be a few more pictures on my mom's camera, these are just from mine and my phone. I'll check 'em out in a few, and probably upload them tomorrow.
I have to be quiet, daddy and mommy are sleeping and little miss Emily pants is on the phone with her lover. They're so darn sweet. :p
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